By His grace the 15th Myanmar Evangelistic Crusade has finished with so many fruits and good experiences. 1st of all, we would Thank to the Lord for His presence and the Guidance of Holy Spirit.
Starting from the day of King's Birthday, 5th of December 09, all the Burmese workers from different places (Saraburi, Nakhon Sawan, Phayuhatkri, Pattaya, ThoungPaPone, Mahachai, Maeklong, OhmYai and Bangkok area) came to fill the hotel conference room. We could even start the Opening session at 9:30am and P&Worship team.
All in all, 186 non-Christan and 98 Christian came the event.
Rev Dr KheKhine, Rev Khin Maung Tint, Rev Tin Maung Nyo from Myanmar came to participated with us as special Guests. What wonderful to see many people came to hear the Good news of Jesus Christ.
We were not only share the plan of Salvation to these people but also with the help of our friends and partner organization, we were able to give beautiful bags, tracts, Christmas CDs, calendars and New and Old Testament Bibles to each person and also those who got baptized after the Crusade. We want thank AMG - US for your contribution and help to this.
At the end 115 people came out and accepted Jesus Christ at their personal saviour and out of that, 102 people gave their lives by taking Water Baptism on the 6th night at 11pm. PTL. May the Lord continue bless you and your team.
In His service,
Chowkee Z Min, CoordinatorAMGT (History News)
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